
What is Patent?
A patent is a grant from Government, which confers on the grantee for a limited period of time, the exclusive privilege of making, selling and using the invention for which a patent has been granted and also of authorizing others of doing so.

What are the requirements of Patent?
Requirements of Patents are:

  • The subject matter should be new. This is test of novelty.
  • It should be useful. This is test of utility.
  • It should be an invention. It should be non-obvious.
  • It should be a manner of manufacture, i.e. it should be capable of industrial application.
  • Vendibility test (i.e. test of marketability) is important - the subject matter should have commercial purpose.

Any invention which satisfies the definition of invention given in the Act may be patented. Invention means a new product or process involving an inventive step and capable of industrial application. Inventive step means a feature that makes the invention not obvious to a person skilled in that art. Capable of industrial application in relation to invention, means that invention is capable of being made or used in an industry.

Benefits of Patent:

  • These documents are the technological means for disseminating recent publications.
  • They cover all technical fields regarding what is new, applicable and relevant to industry worldwide.
  • Describe the invention in a clear and complete way.
  • Patent documents from any country have a similar structure, being easy to collect the required information.

They are arranged in a single classification system, the International Patent Classification (IPC), which allows identifying patents for each specific field of technology. This mechanism facilitates the search for information through computer systems to access and retrieve patent documents more efficiently and reasonably safe if covered by other search parameters.

What is our Role?
We aim to provide a patent function for organizations which require in-house expertise and service without incurring the expense of appointing full time personnel. We will undertake most types of patent work typically provided by an in-house patent function, including patent drafting, prosecution and opposition, and will advise on patentability, infringement and right-to-practice matters. We also provide advice regarding intellectual property management and strategy for organizations which use intellectual property as a key component of their business strategy, and can assist in due diligence for acquisitions, disposals and financial investments.

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